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  • How to Create a 'Computer' Section on KDE Plasma with Nemo File Manager

    KDE Plasma is a popular desktop environment for Linux users, known for its sleek design and customizable features. However, one thing that may be missing for some users is the 'Computer' section, which can be found on other desktop environments like Windows, Cinnamon, or Trinity. But fear not, there is a way to add this feature to your KDE Plasma desktop using the Nemo file manager.

    computer icon.png

    Step 1: Install Nemo File Manager

    The first step is to install the Nemo file manager from the Discovery Appstore. This is KDE Plasma's official app store where you can find a variety of applications to enhance your desktop experience. Simply search for 'Nemo' and click on the install button.

    Step 2: Create Desktop Shortcut

    Once Nemo is installed, you can now create a 'Computer.sh' file on your desktop. This file will allow you to access the 'computer://' directory with just one click. To create this file, open a text editor and paste the following content:

    setsid nemo computer:/// && exit

    Save the file as 'Computer.sh' on your desktop.

    Step 3: Make the File Executable

    To ensure that the 'Computer.sh' file can be executed, you need to make it executable. You can do this by right-clicking on the file and selecting 'Properties.' Then, go to the 'Permissions' tab and check the box next to 'Allow executing file as program.' Click 'OK' to apply the changes.

    Alternatively, you can also make the file executable by opening a terminal and executing the following command:

    chmod +x Computer.sh

    Step 4: Customize the File Icon

    To make the 'Computer.sh' file blend in with your desktop theme, you can customize its file icon. Right-click on the file and select 'Properties.' Go to the 'General' tab and click on the 'Open With' button. Then, click on the file icon and select the icon you want to use. Keep in mind that you may need to log out and back in for the changes to take effect.

    Step 5: Fix Nemo's 'Open in Terminal' Option

    By default, Nemo's 'Open in Terminal' option may not work on KDE Plasma. To fix this, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    gsettings set org.cinnamon.desktop.default-applications.terminal exec 'konsole'

    This will set Konsole as the default terminal for Nemo.

    And there you have it, the 'Computer' section is now added to your KDE Plasma desktop. You can access it by simply double-clicking on the 'Computer.sh' file on your desktop. This feature can also come in handy if you prefer using nemo file manager over the default 'Dolphin' file manager on KDE Plasma.

    nemo computer section.png


    In conclusion, even though KDE Plasma does not have a built-in 'Computer' section, you can easily add it to your desktop using the Nemo file manager. It's just one of the many ways you can customize your KDE Plasma desktop to your liking. So go ahead and give it a try, and don't forget to customize the file icon to make it blend in seamlessly with your desktop theme.


    User:Superswade at en.wikipedia, GPL, via Wikimedia Commons




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