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  • I just uncovered a Bug in Dolphin and Nemo File Managers 'Recently Used' Sections

    As a long-time user of KDE and Cinnamon desktop environments, I have always appreciated their sleek and user-friendly file managers, Dolphin and Nemo respectively. However, my recent discovery of a bug in their 'recently used files/folders' sections has left me feeling frustrated and disappointed.

    It all started when I was organizing my files and wanted to access a document I had recently worked on. I opened Dolphin and clicked on the 'Recently Used' section, expecting to see a list of my most recently accessed files in chronological order. To my surprise, the list was in a completely random order. I tried the same in Nemo, with the same result. It was then that I decided to do some further investigation and discovered that this was, in fact, a bug in both Dolphin and Nemo file managers.

    Upon further exploration, I found that the bug only occurred when sorting by 'recently used.' If I sorted the files by name or size, they were correctly ordered. This inconsistency made it clear that this was a bug and not a deliberate feature. Luckily, this bug is not present in the KDE and Cinnamon start menus as well as the Thunar file manager.

    While it might not seem like a big deal, for someone like me who's used to the handy "recently used" section in Microsoft Windows, it can be quite frustrating and lead to unnecessary time wasted. And what's even more concerning is that this bug has been present for quite some time, yet it has not been addressed by the developers. It is a shame that such a basic feature is not functioning properly in these otherwise excellent file managers. As a user, I understand that bugs are inevitable in software, and I am not writing this to criticize or bash the developers. In fact, I am writing this blog post in the hope of raising awareness about this issue and encouraging the developers to address it in their future updates.

    In the meantime, I have found a workaround for this bug by using a third-party file manager (Thunar), but it is not an ideal solution. I hope that this bug is fixed soon so that I can continue to enjoy the seamless experience of using Dolphin and Nemo file managers.




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