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Midnight Logger Pro (Log CPU and RAM Usage on Linux) 1.1

$5 · Renewal Term: $5/year

2 Screenshots

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On an older laptop running mx linux,
i wanted to find out if i'm running into a cpu limit when using a specific software.

After searching for hours i realized that there seems to be no software for
linux that measures the cpu load every couple seconds and logs it into a file.
Doesn't matter if free, paid, fancy or not - i found absolutely nothing that could do the trick.
So i wrote the "Midnight Logger Pro" and decided to offer it for a very low price.

I think the screenshots are pretty self explaining but what this does is it measures the cpu (total and per core)
and ram load every couple seconds and logs it into a "load_log.txt" file that the tool creates in the program folder.
The logfile gets overwritten everytime you're starting the program.
It does not exist prior to the first time you're running the program.

The script is written in python so you need python installed in order to use it.

What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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